Friday, December 28, 2012

Today's Been a Hard One

     The actual instructions in my Year of Living Joyfully journal say, "Joy is something that is hard to find all the time the way we should. It seems to come and go with happiness and circumstances. It is our hope that you will always choose Joy. Take time every day to remember your blessings and how great a God we serve and record at least one thing that brings you joy each day."

     Today's been one of those days when unhappy circumstances have made seeing something in which to take Joy difficult. You know, it's been one of "those" days - tough parenting situations, rude drivers, plans that refused to fall into place, and yucky weather. It's been a day when it would easy too let melancholy overtake me or else try to escape into earthly pleasures. But I know that neither of things are a good idea.

     So finding Joy today is going to take some intentional effort - but that's what this project is all about, being intentional about finding Joy and putting some work into it when necessary. (Doesn't that sound oxymoronic - working at finding Joy? But maybe it's not. Something to think about.)

     First I went to one of my favorite Psalms and was reminded that we are invited to "taste and see that the LORD is good! [And that], blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!" (Psalm 34:8). That's something to feel good about - God is good to us and will bless us if we take refuge in Him.

     Then I thought about my friend Nik who is having a birthday today. I don't get see Nik as often as I would like, but every time I do he puts a smile on my face, as do my memories and thoughts of him. So that's something I can take Joy in.

     Next I looked across the room and saw my wife sitting there and remember how much she loves me and how committed she is to my good. What a blessing she is to me.

     Finally, I remembered that even though I had several frustrating experiences today they weren't all frustrating. Several of the plans I had for today did actually work out. I think I'll choose to remember those that did work out and not think about the things that didn't.

     I do have some things to record in journal that brought me Joy today.This does kind of work.

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  1. Ah ha! This may explain the mystery of your Facebook status update about wishing you had a Tazer. :) Reading that comment on Facebook brought me joy. I know you to be a man of few words, but the ones you spoke during our time at MIA, and now write in social media, have been transparent. I appreciate the continued influence you have in my life. Happy New Year, Barry! Thanks for the encouraging words, then and now. ~ Vicky

  2. Today was one of those days for me. Ray has been working 12 hour shifts the last three days after the chaos Christmas and I have so much to get done for this weekends additions to Christmas. But Ray gave me permission to take the kids out to dinner because I wouldn't give myself permission. I got steak for dinner that I did not need to cook or clean up after. ^_^
