Thursday, January 21, 2016

Endless, Bottomless, Boundless Grace and Compassion

In an article in Tabletalk adapted from Sinclair Ferguson's The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen we read that there is endless, bottomless, boundless grace and compassion for believers found in Christ and this is experienced through our union with Him. Ferguson further quotes Owen that "we cannot spread our sin further than He can spread His grace. To meditate on this, to taste the waters of such a pure fountain [of grace] is surely to know 'joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory (1 Peter 1:8).'"

This endless, bottomless, boundless grace and compassion is real. Believers already have it in Christ. It is there for you when you struggle with whatever life throws at you. It is there for you when you fall short in your sin. However great your need is, the grace and compassion of Christ is greater. 

In his humanity Jesus experienced all of the same struggles and temptations that you face. He understands, really understands. Come to him with whatever problems or difficulties you face today. Think on his grace and compassion for you, let the knowledge of his love for you saturate your heart and spirit. 

In this you will find help, you will find strength, you will find hope.

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